FinSimMath is an extension of Verilog that provides high level mathematical capabilities.
By supporting both high level matehmatical descriptions and the Verilog capabilities, FinSimMath provides
for the implementation of mathematical algorithms into circuits what Verilog and VHDL brought to implementing
RTL descriptions into gate-level descriptions, namely a huge productivity increase at all steps of the design process.
The capability of translating FinSimMath to SystemC is important because it helps integrate FinSimMath into
SystemC development environments and provides a way to use the Synthesis capabilities available for SystemC.
The capability to co-simulate FinSimMath and SystemC furhter helps to integrate FinSimMath into SystemC
environments and makes it possible to translate FinSimMath to SystemC for simulation purposes and not only for synthesis purposes.
This example works on FinSim 10_04_92s and subsequent versions.
It translates a FinSimMath description of FFT to SystemC for synthesis purposes and to SystemC/FinSimMath co-simulation for simulation purposes.
The original FinSimMath description of the FFT is in the file vpfft.v
The command to translate vpfft.v into SystemC and FinSimMath is
finvc +gen_sysc vpfft.v
The generated SystemC files are fin_sysc.cpp which includes fin_sysc_top.h.
The file fin_sysc.cpp contains the compiler directive #define SIM.
For synthesis purposes one should comment out this directive.
For synthesis, the translation is done in terms of functions performing arithmetic operations.
The operations can be on of various object types (cartesian, polar, real, integer, variable precision) and formats (floating or fixed point).
The FinSimMath system functions and tasks are also translated for synthesis purposes into SystemC function.
The name of the functions indicate the actual functionality.
These functions must already be supported by the synthesis environment.
For simulation purposes the directive #define SIM must be present. The code in the file fin_sysc.cpp will co-simulate with the code in the file fin_sysc.v.
The commands to perform the co-simulations are:
finvc +FM -a -systemc fin_sysc.cpp fin_sysc.v
The co-simulation SystemC/FinSimMath provides several benefits:
1) It ensures that the simulation executes very fast.
This is due to the fact that the arithmetic operations and other basic functions such as trigonometric functions
are simulated at the high mathematical level and yet bit-accurate.
The bit accuracy is made possible by FinSimMath's variable precision capabilities.
2) It allows stimulus to be generated using high level bit-accurate mathematical system functions, such as $VpSin.
3) It allows simulation results to be processed and displayed using high level system tasks and functions such as $VpFft and $Flot.
4) It allows the synthesized design to produce the same simulation results as the high level FinSimMath description.
The original FinSimMath description of the FFT is presented below:
module top;
module top;
`include "finsimmath.h"
parameter real srate = 200.000000;
parameter SIZE = 1024;
parameter WIDTH = 140;
real y[0:2][0:SIZE-1];
VpFComplex inSpectrum[0:SIZE-1];
VpFCartesian cart;
VpFPolar polar;
VpDescriptor d1;
integer i, j, k, l, n, le, wptr, windex, logSize;
real sz, rlogsz, delta, tmpr, step;
VpReg [0:63] tmpvp1, tmpvp2;
VpReg [0:WIDTH-1] MywReV[0:SIZE/2-1];
VpReg [0:WIDTH-1] MywImV[0:SIZE/2-1];
VpReg [0:WIDTH-1] MywIReV[0:SIZE/2-1];
VpReg [0:WIDTH-1] MywIImV[0:SIZE/2-1];
VpReg [0:WIDTH-1] MyRe[0:SIZE-1];
VpReg [0:WIDTH-1] MyIm[0:SIZE-1];
VpReg [0:WIDTH-1] wrecRe, wrecIm, wRe, wIm, wtemp, uRe,
uIm, scale, tempRe, tempIm, tmp1Re, tmp1Im, tmp2Re, tmp2Im, tmRe, tmIm, arg;
initial begin
$VpSetDescriptorInfo(d1, 9, 15, `TWOS_COMPLEMENT,
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmpvp1, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmpvp2, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(MyRe, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(MyIm, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(MywReV, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(MywImV, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(MywIReV, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(MywIImV, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(wrecRe, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(wrecIm, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(wRe, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(wIm, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(uRe, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(uIm, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tempRe, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tempIm, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmRe, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmIm, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmp1Re, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmp1Im, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmp2Re, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(tmp2Im, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(scale, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(arg, d1);
$VpAssocDescrToData(wtemp, d1);
//$display(" load Re and Im \n");
delta = $Pi;
delta = 2*delta;
delta = delta/SIZE;
for (j = 0; j < SIZE; j++)
tmpr = delta*j;
tmpr = 51.20000*tmpr;
MyIm[j] = 0;
MyRe[j] = $VpSin(tmpr);
$InitM(inSpectrum, MyRe[$I1], 0);
$VpFft(inSpectrum, 0, SIZE-1);
$PrintM(inSpectrum, "%e");
for (j = 0; j < (SIZE/2); j = j + 1)
polar = inSpectrum[j];
y[0][j] = polar.Mag;
$PrintM(y, "%e");
step = srate/(SIZE/2);
$Flot("Spectrum_High_level.html", 1, step, "Spectrum", "frequency (GHz)", "Amplitude ", 0, SIZE/2-1, y, "inSpectrum");
sz = SIZE;
rlogsz = $VpLog(2.0, sz);
logSize = rlogsz;
//$display("Compute wRe and wIm\n");
n = SIZE;
le = n /2;
arg = 4.0*$VpAtan(1.0)/le;
wrecRe = $VpCos(arg);
wRe = wrecRe;
wrecIm = -$VpSin(arg);
wIm = wrecIm;
for (j = 0; j < le - 1; j++)
MywReV[j] = wrecRe;
MywImV[j] = wrecIm;
tmpvp1 = wrecRe * wRe;
tmpvp2 = wrecIm * wIm;
wtemp = tmpvp1 - tmpvp2;
tmpvp1 = wrecRe * wIm;
tmpvp2 = wrecIm * wRe;
wrecIm = tmpvp1 + tmpvp2;
wrecRe = wtemp;
//$display("Perform FFT \n");
le = n;
windex = 1;
for (l = 0; l < logSize; l = l + 1) begin
le = le / 2;
for (i = 0; i < n; i = i + 2 * le) begin
tmp1Re = MyRe[i];
tmp1Im = MyIm[i];
tmp2Re = MyRe[i+le];
tmp2Im = MyIm[i+le];
MyRe[i] = tmp1Re + tmp2Re;
MyIm[i] = tmp1Im + tmp2Im;
MyRe[i+le] = tmp1Re - tmp2Re;
MyIm[i+le] = tmp1Im - tmp2Im;
wptr = windex - 1;
for (j = 1; j < le; j = j + 1) begin
uRe = MywReV[wptr];
uIm = MywImV[wptr];
for (i = j; i < n; i = i + 2 * le) begin
tmp1Re = MyRe[i];
tmp1Im = MyIm[i];
tmp2Re = MyRe[i+le];
tmp2Im = MyIm[i+le];
MyRe[i] = tmp1Re + tmp2Re;
MyIm[i] = tmp1Im + tmp2Im;
tmRe = tmp1Re - tmp2Re;
tmIm = tmp1Im - tmp2Im;
tmpvp1 = tmRe * uRe;
tmpvp2 = tmIm * uIm;
MyRe[i+le] = tmpvp1 - tmpvp2;
tmpvp1 = tmRe * uIm;
tmpvp2 = tmIm * uRe;
MyIm[i+le] = tmpvp1 + tmpvp2;
wptr = wptr + windex;
windex = windex * 2;
//$display("Rearange data\n");
j = 0;
for (i = 1; i < (n-1); i = i + 1) begin
k = n/2;
while (k <= j) begin
j = j - k;
k = k / 2;
j = j + k;
if (i < j) begin
tempRe = MyRe[j];
tempIm = MyIm[j];
MyRe[j] = MyRe[i];
MyIm[j] = MyIm[i];
MyRe[i] = tempRe;
MyIm[i] = tempIm;
for (j = 0; j < SIZE/2; j = j + 1)
cart.Re = MyRe[j];
cart.Im = MyIm[j];
polar = cart;
y[0][j] = polar.Mag;
step = srate/(SIZE/2);
$Flot("Spectrum_detailed.html", 1, step, "Spectrum", "frequency (GHz)", "Amplitude ", 0, SIZE/2-1, y, "inSpectrum");
$display("Simulation Finished");
end /*initial*/
The generated SystemC description resides in the file fin_sysc.cpp, which includes the generated file fin_sysc_top.h.
These files are obtained by executing: finvc +gen_sysc vpfft.v, where vpfft.v is the name of the original FinSimMath description of FFT.
The generated file fin_sysc_top.h is presented below:
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_simplify_all3 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_simplify_all2 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_simplify_all1 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_simplify_all0 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int9 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int8 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int7 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int6 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int5 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int4 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int3 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int2 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int1 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_int0 ;
double fin__tmp_real0;
double fin__tmp_sysf1;
double fin__tmp_sysf0;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx9 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx8 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx7 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx6 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx5 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx4 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx3 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx2 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx1 ;
sc_int<32> fin__tmp_idx0 ;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical11;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical10;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical9;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical8;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical7;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical6;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical5;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical4;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical3;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical2;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical1;
sc_logic fin__tmp_logical0;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_8;
sc_logic fin_tmp_cond_if_0;
sc_logic fin_tmp_cond_while_0;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_7;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_6;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_5;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_4;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_3;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_2;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_1;
sc_logic fin_tmp_for_cond_0;
double Fin__I [2];
sc_lv<96> Fin__EM;
double inf;
#define srate 200.000000
#define SIZE (sc_int<32>)1024
#define WIDTH (sc_int<32>)140
double y [3072];
double inSpectrum [2048];
double cart [2];
double polar [2];
sc_lv<2> d1;
sc_int<32> i ;
sc_int<32> j ;
sc_int<32> k ;
sc_int<32> l ;
sc_int<32> n ;
sc_int<32> le ;
sc_int<32> wptr ;
sc_int<32> windex ;
sc_int<32> logSize ;
double sz;
double rlogsz;
double delta;
double tmpr;
double step;
sc_lv<24> tmpvp1;
sc_lv<24> tmpvp2;
sc_lv<24> MywReV[512];
sc_lv<24> MywImV[512];
sc_lv<24> MywIReV[512];
sc_lv<24> MywIImV[512];
sc_lv<24> MyRe[1024];
sc_lv<24> MyIm[1024];
sc_lv<24> wrecRe;
sc_lv<24> wrecIm;
sc_lv<24> wRe;
sc_lv<24> wIm;
sc_lv<24> wtemp;
sc_lv<24> uRe;
sc_lv<24> uIm;
sc_lv<24> scale;
sc_lv<24> tempRe;
sc_lv<24> tempIm;
sc_lv<24> tmp1Re;
sc_lv<24> tmp1Im;
sc_lv<24> tmp2Re;
sc_lv<24> tmp2Im;
sc_lv<24> tmRe;
sc_lv<24> tmIm;
sc_lv<24> arg;
The generated SystemC file, fin_sysc.cpp, is presented below:
#define SIM
#include "/home/alec/finsim/test_rel/10_08_100s/include/fin_systemc.h"
extern "C" {
#include "/home/alec/finsim/test_rel/10_08_100s/include/simsc2fn.h"
#define HIDE 1
#include "/home/alec/finsim/test_rel/10_08_100s/include/finsysc.h"
#undef HIDE
sc_lv<64> finVpRealToBits(double in)
unsigned long long *l = (unsigned long long *) ∈
return *l;
sc_lv<64> finScRealToBits(double in)
unsigned long long *l = (unsigned long long *) ∈
return *l << 32 | *l >> 32;
double finScBitsToReal(sc_lv<64> in)
double result;
unsigned long a, b;
a = in.get_word(0);
b = in.get_word(1);
memcpy(((unsigned char*) &result), &b, 4);
memcpy(((unsigned char*) &result)+4, &a, 4);
return result;
bool finLogicToBool(sc_logic in)
switch (in.m_val) {
case H:
return 1;
case L:
return 0;
case X:
return 0;
case Z:
return 0;
int finScBitsToInteger(sc_lv<64> in)
int result;
unsigned long a, b;
a = in.get_word(0);
memcpy(&result, &a, 4);
return result;
#define FSTLOGSIZE 5
#define PTR_WIDTH 8
#define FIN_USER_ERROR 2
#define finPrint printf
#define finExit exit
memcpy((char *) &tmpAbP, (char *) &((opP)->abP[(opP)->lastAbNum + 1].a), PTR_WIDTH); \
if (tmpAbP == NULL) { \
finPrint("Error in referencing variable precision object: it has no descriptor associated to it\n"); \
finExit(FIN_USER_ERROR); \
memcpy(&((opP)->abP[opP->lastAbNum + 1].a), &tmpAbP, PTR_WIDTH);
(((val) == 0) ? 0 : (((val)-1) % 32))
(((((val) >> FSTLOGSIZE)<< FSTLOGSIZE) != (val)) ?\
((val) >> FSTLOGSIZE) : (((val) >> FSTLOGSIZE)-1))
#define FSTSETNRBITS(opP, nrBits)\
(opP)->lastBitNumMod = FSTVPGETLASTBITNUM((nrBits));\
(opP)->lastAbNum = FSTVPGETLASTABNUM((nrBits));
#define SIM_SIG_MEMP(sigP) (sigP)->misc.memP
#define FSTVPGETMIDX(start1, end1, start2, end2, sz2, i, k)\
(sz2*((start1 > end1) ? (i-end1) : (i - start1)) + \
((start2 > end2) ? (k-end2) : (k - start2)))
#define FSTVPMGET(op1MP, l1P, idx1, start11, end11, start12, end12, sz11,\
msb1, lsb1, i, k, tmp1Re, size)\
idx1 = FSTVPGETMIDX(start11, end11, start12, end12, sz11, i, k); \
if (l1P) {\
assert(0); \
else {\
simVpGet(op1MP, idx1, &tmp1Re, msb1, lsb1, size);\
#define FSTVPMPLACE(op1MP, l1P, idx1, start11, end11, start12, end12, sz11,\
msb1, lsb1, i, k, tmp1Re, size)\
idx1 = FSTVPGETMIDX(start11, end11, start12, end12, sz11, i, k); \
if (l1P) {\
assert(0); \
else {\
simVpPlace(op1MP, idx1, &tmp1Re, msb1, lsb1, size);\
int fin__i
; int fin__j
; int fin__k
;void finReadInt1(simSignalPT signalP, int startSc, int startVer, int numWords, int size, sc_int<32> *result)
{ char *memPtr;
int i;
memPtr = signalP->misc.memP->p.memoryP;
for (i = 0; i < numWords; i++) {
fstBundleT tmp;
fstAbT ab;
tmp.abP = &ab;
tmp.offset = 0;
simVpGet_i(memPtr, startVer+i, &tmp, 0, size-1);
result[startSc+i] = tmp.abP->a;
void finWriteInt1(sc_int<32> *val, simSignalPT signalP, int startSc, int startVer, int numWords, int size)
{ char *memPtr;
int i;
memPtr = signalP->misc.memP->p.memoryP
; for (i = 0; i < numWords; i++) {
fstBundleT tmp;
fstAbT ab;
tmp.abP = &ab;
tmp.offset = 0;
tmp.abP->a = val[startSc+i];
tmp.abP->b = 0;
simVpPlace_i(memPtr, startVer+i, &tmp, 0, size-1);
void waitDelta1(sc_signal &id)
id = (id == sc_logic_X || id == sc_logic_Z) ? sc_logic_1 : ~(;
class vvpDelta1 : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
vvpDelta1(sc_module_name nm) : sc_foreign_module(nm, "vvpDelta1"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~vvpDelta1() {}
sc_signal od1, id1;
sc_signal > R1_op1;
sc_signal > R1_op2;
sc_signal R1_iv, R1_ov;
class I1_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I1_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I1_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I1_c() {}
void waitDelta2(sc_signal &id)
id = (id == sc_logic_X || id == sc_logic_Z) ? sc_logic_1 : ~(;
class vvpDelta2 : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
vvpDelta2(sc_module_name nm) : sc_foreign_module(nm, "vvpDelta2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~vvpDelta2() {}
sc_signal od2, id2;
sc_signal > R2_op2;
sc_signal R2_iv, R2_ov;
class Pi_2_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_out > op1;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
Pi_2_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "Pi_2_c"), op1("op1"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~Pi_2_c() {}
sc_signal > R3_op1;
sc_signal > R3_op2;
sc_signal R3_iv, R3_ov;
class I3_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I3_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I3_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I3_c() {}
sc_signal > R4_op1;
sc_signal > R4_op2;
sc_signal R4_iv, R4_ov;
class I4_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I4_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I4_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I4_c() {}
sc_signal > R5_address1;
sc_signal > R5_address2;
sc_signal R5_iv, R5_ov;
class I5_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_out > address1;
sc_out > address2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I5_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I5_c"), address1("address1"), address2("address2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I5_c() {}
#ifdef SIM
void copySyscArrayToVer_24_scalar_vp_1024(const sc_lv<64> *address, int startSc, int startVer, int numWords, sc_lv<24> *scArr)
int i, nr, msb, lsb, bcnt, idx;
simSignalPT signalP;
char *opMP;fstValueT tmpVal;
fstBundleT tmpBundle;
fstAbT tmpAb[3099];
fstAbPT tmp1AbP;
unsigned long long addr = (((unsigned long long) address->m_ctrl[0]) << 32 | address->m_data[0]);
memcpy(&signalP, &addr, sizeof(unsigned long long));
msb = SIM_SIG_MEMP(signalP)->msb1d;
lsb = SIM_SIG_MEMP(signalP)->lsb1d;
opMP = signalP->misc.memP->p.memoryP;
bcnt = SIM_SIG_MEMP(signalP)->bCnt;
tmpVal.bundleP = &tmpBundle;
tmpBundle.abP = tmpAb;
nr = bcnt*4;
FSTSETNRBITS(&tmpBundle, nr);
FSTVPMGET(opMP, NULL, idx, 0, numWords-1, 0, 0, 1, msb, lsb, 0, 0, tmpBundle, bcnt);
nr = nr - 32;
FSTSETNRBITS(&tmpBundle, nr);
nr = tmp1AbP[0].a + tmp1AbP[0].b;
FSTSETNRBITS(&tmpBundle, nr);
FSTVPSETDESCRIPTOR((&tmpBundle), tmp1AbP);
for (i = startSc; i <= numWords+startSc-1; i++) {
sc_lv<24> *scVal = scArr+i;
syscConvertSc2Fn_lv_b(scVal->m_data, scVal->m_ctrl, nr, &tmpVal);
FSTVPMPLACE(opMP, NULL, idx, 0, numWords-1, 0, 0, 1, msb, lsb, i-startSc+startVer, 0, tmpBundle, bcnt);
#ifdef SIM
void copyVerArrayToSysc_64_real(const sc_lv<64> *address, int startSc, int startVer, int numWords, double *scArr)
simSignalPT signalP;
unsigned long long addr = (((unsigned long long) address->m_ctrl[0]) << 32 | address->m_data[0]);
memcpy(&signalP, &addr, sizeof(unsigned long long));
finReadReal1(signalP, startSc, startVer, numWords, 2048, scArr);
sc_signal > R6_address1;
sc_signal > R6_op2;
sc_signal > R6_op3;
sc_signal R6_iv, R6_ov;
class VpFft_fcomplex_2_2048_scalar_integer_0_1_scalar_integer_0_1_6_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_out > address1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_in > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
VpFft_fcomplex_2_2048_scalar_integer_0_1_scalar_integer_0_1_6_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "VpFft_fcomplex_2_2048_scalar_integer_0_1_scalar_integer_0_1_6_c"), address1("address1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~VpFft_fcomplex_2_2048_scalar_integer_0_1_scalar_integer_0_1_6_c() {}
#ifdef SIM
void copySyscArrayToVer_64_fcomplex_2048(const sc_lv<64> *address, int startSc, int startVer, int numWords, double *scArr)
simSignalPT signalP;
unsigned long long addr = (((unsigned long long) address->m_ctrl[0]) << 32 | address->m_data[0]);
memcpy(&signalP, &addr, sizeof(unsigned long long));
finWriteReal1(scArr, signalP, startSc, startVer, numWords, 2048);
sc_signal > R8_address1;
sc_signal R8_iv, R8_ov;
class I8_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_out > address1;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I8_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I8_c"), address1("address1"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I8_c() {}
sc_signal > R9_address1;
sc_signal > R9_address2;
sc_signal R9_iv, R9_ov;
class I9_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_out > address1;
sc_out > address2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I9_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I9_c"), address1("address1"), address2("address2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I9_c() {}
sc_signal > R11_address1;
sc_signal R11_iv, R11_ov;
class I11_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_out > address1;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I11_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I11_c"), address1("address1"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I11_c() {}
#ifdef SIM
void copySyscArrayToVer_64_scalar_real_3072(const sc_lv<64> *address, int startSc, int startVer, int numWords, double *scArr)
simSignalPT signalP;
unsigned long long addr = (((unsigned long long) address->m_ctrl[0]) << 32 | address->m_data[0]);
memcpy(&signalP, &addr, sizeof(unsigned long long));
finWriteReal1(scArr, signalP, startSc, startVer, numWords, 3072);
sc_signal > R12_op1;
sc_signal > R12_op2;
sc_signal > R12_op3;
sc_signal > R12_op4;
sc_signal > R12_op5;
sc_signal > R12_op6;
sc_signal > R12_op7;
sc_signal > R12_op8;
sc_signal > R12_address9;
sc_signal > R12_op10;
sc_signal R12_iv, R12_ov;
class I12_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_in > op3;
sc_in > op4;
sc_in > op5;
sc_in > op6;
sc_in > op7;
sc_in > op8;
sc_out > address9;
sc_in > op10;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I12_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I12_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), op4("op4"), op5("op5"), op6("op6"), op7("op7"), op8("op8"), address9("address9"), op10("op10"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I12_c() {}
sc_lv<192> vpNumberToBits_192(const char *val)
sc_lv<192> lv;
int bitsRemaining = 192, idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
unsigned a = 0, b = 0;
for (int j = (32 < bitsRemaining ? 31 : bitsRemaining-1); j >=0; --j) {
switch (val[idx]) {;
case '0': break;
case '1': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'X': case 'x': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'Z': case 'z': a |= (0x1 << j); b |= (0x1 << j); break;
default: assert(0); break;
bitsRemaining -= 32;
lv.set_word(6-1-i, (unsigned long) a);
lv.set_cword(6-1-i, (unsigned long) b);
return lv;
sc_lv<64> vpNumberToBits_64(const char *val)
sc_lv<64> lv;
int bitsRemaining = 64, idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
unsigned a = 0, b = 0;
for (int j = (32 < bitsRemaining ? 31 : bitsRemaining-1); j >=0; --j) {
switch (val[idx]) {;
case '0': break;
case '1': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'X': case 'x': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'Z': case 'z': a |= (0x1 << j); b |= (0x1 << j); break;
default: assert(0); break;
bitsRemaining -= 32;
lv.set_word(2-1-i, (unsigned long) a);
lv.set_cword(2-1-i, (unsigned long) b);
return lv;
sc_lv<120> vpNumberToBits_120(const char *val)
sc_lv<120> lv;
int bitsRemaining = 120, idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
unsigned a = 0, b = 0;
for (int j = (32 < bitsRemaining ? 31 : bitsRemaining-1); j >=0; --j) {
switch (val[idx]) {;
case '0': break;
case '1': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'X': case 'x': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'Z': case 'z': a |= (0x1 << j); b |= (0x1 << j); break;
default: assert(0); break;
bitsRemaining -= 32;
lv.set_word(4-1-i, (unsigned long) a);
lv.set_cword(4-1-i, (unsigned long) b);
return lv;
sc_lv<80> vpNumberToBits_80(const char *val)
sc_lv<80> lv;
int bitsRemaining = 80, idx = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
unsigned a = 0, b = 0;
for (int j = (32 < bitsRemaining ? 31 : bitsRemaining-1); j >=0; --j) {
switch (val[idx]) {;
case '0': break;
case '1': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'X': case 'x': a |= (0x1 << j); break;
case 'Z': case 'z': a |= (0x1 << j); b |= (0x1 << j); break;
default: assert(0); break;
bitsRemaining -= 32;
lv.set_word(3-1-i, (unsigned long) a);
lv.set_cword(3-1-i, (unsigned long) b);
return lv;
sc_signal > R13_op1;
sc_signal > R13_op2;
sc_signal > R13_op3;
sc_signal R13_iv, R13_ov;
class I13_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_out > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I13_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I13_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I13_c() {}
sc_signal > R14_op1;
sc_signal > R14_op2;
sc_signal R14_iv, R14_ov;
class I14_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I14_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I14_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I14_c() {}
sc_signal > R15_op1;
sc_signal > R15_op2;
sc_signal > R15_op3;
sc_signal R15_iv, R15_ov;
class I15_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_out > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I15_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I15_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I15_c() {}
sc_signal > R16_op1;
sc_signal > R16_op2;
sc_signal R16_iv, R16_ov;
class I16_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I16_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I16_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I16_c() {}
sc_signal > R17_op1;
sc_signal > R17_op2;
sc_signal R17_iv, R17_ov;
class I17_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I17_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I17_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I17_c() {}
sc_signal > R18_op1;
sc_signal > R18_op2;
sc_signal R18_iv, R18_ov;
class I18_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I18_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I18_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I18_c() {}
sc_signal > R19_op1;
sc_signal > R19_op2;
sc_signal R19_iv, R19_ov;
class I19_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I19_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I19_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I19_c() {}
sc_signal > R20_op1;
sc_signal > R20_op2;
sc_signal R20_iv, R20_ov;
class I20_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I20_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I20_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I20_c() {}
sc_signal > R21_op1;
sc_signal > R21_op2;
sc_signal > R21_op3;
sc_signal R21_iv, R21_ov;
class I21_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_out > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I21_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I21_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I21_c() {}
sc_signal > R22_op1;
sc_signal > R22_op2;
sc_signal > R22_op3;
sc_signal R22_iv, R22_ov;
class I22_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_out > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I22_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I22_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I22_c() {}
sc_signal > R23_op1;
sc_signal > R23_op2;
sc_signal > R23_op3;
sc_signal R23_iv, R23_ov;
class I23_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_out > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I23_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I23_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I23_c() {}
sc_signal > R24_op1;
sc_signal > R24_op2;
sc_signal R24_iv, R24_ov;
class I24_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I24_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I24_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I24_c() {}
sc_signal > R25_op1;
sc_signal > R25_op2;
sc_signal > R25_op3;
sc_signal R25_iv, R25_ov;
class I25_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_out > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I25_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I25_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I25_c() {}
sc_signal > R26_op1;
sc_signal > R26_op2;
sc_signal > R26_op3;
sc_signal R26_iv, R26_ov;
class I26_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_in > op2;
sc_out > op3;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I26_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I26_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), op3("op3"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I26_c() {}
sc_signal > R27_op1;
sc_signal > R27_op2;
sc_signal R27_iv, R27_ov;
class I27_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I27_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I27_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I27_c() {}
sc_signal > R28_op1;
sc_signal > R28_op2;
sc_signal R28_iv, R28_ov;
class I28_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I28_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I28_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I28_c() {}
sc_signal > R29_op1;
sc_signal > R29_op2;
sc_signal R29_iv, R29_ov;
class I29_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I29_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I29_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I29_c() {}
sc_signal > R30_op1;
sc_signal > R30_op2;
sc_signal R30_iv, R30_ov;
class I30_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_in > op1;
sc_out > op2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I30_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I30_c"), op1("op1"), op2("op2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I30_c() {}
sc_signal > R31_address1;
sc_signal > R31_address2;
sc_signal R31_iv, R31_ov;
class I31_c : public sc_foreign_module {
sc_out > address1;
sc_out > address2;
sc_in iv;
sc_out ov;
I31_c(sc_module_name nm) :
sc_foreign_module(nm, "I31_c"), address1("address1"), address2("address2"), iv("iv"), ov("ov") {}
~I31_c() {}
#ifdef SIM
void copySyscArrayToVer_64_fcomplex_2(const sc_lv<64> *address, int startSc, int startVer, int numWords, double *scArr)
simSignalPT signalP;
unsigned long long addr = (((unsigned long long) address->m_ctrl[0]) << 32 | address->m_data[0]);
memcpy(&signalP, &addr, sizeof(unsigned long long));
finWriteReal1(scArr, signalP, startSc, startVer, numWords, 2);
sc_signal > R32_op1;
sc_signal > R32_op2;
sc_signal > R32_op3;
sc_signal > R32_op4;
sc_signal > R32_op5;
sc_signal > R32_op6;
sc_signal > R32_op7;
sc_signal > R32_op8;
sc_signal > R32_address9;
sc_signal > R32_op10;