Third party tools

redball.gif (326 bytes)About Fintronic

redball.gif (326 bytes)Main announcements

redball.gif (326 bytes)What's new at Fintronic

redball.gif (326 bytes)What our customers are saying...

redball.gif (326 bytes)Support for SystemC

redball.gif (326 bytes)Support for Verilog 2001


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Monarch - ASL

Linux Computers

Specman - Verisity

Test bench development details...

Vera - Synopsys

Test bench development

MMAV -Denali

Memory Models

Undertow - Veritools

Graphical Simulation Environment details...

Debussy - Novas Software

Graphical Simulation Environment details...

Comet - VaST Systems

Hardware-Software codesign with timing

Pivot - GreenLight

Rapid test bench development

VHDL2Verilog - ASC Inc.

VHDL to Verilog convertor

easyCosim - Ponderosa Design.

Actual Hardware used in Verilog Simulation


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