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03/13/98 10:30  Verilog-C Cosimulation at 100 million Instruction
Executions per Second with Detailed Timing

Fintronic USA and VaST Systems Technology Corp announce the FinSwHw and Comet families of hardware-software cosimulation tools with extremely high simulation performance and detailed hardware and software timing.

The widely used, very fast Super FinSim Verilog simulator from Fintronic USA has been coupled with the behavioral and application C-code simulation technology from VaST Systems Technology to produce a unique family of Verilog hardware and C software cosimulators,named FinSwHw. FinSwHw cosimulators are integrated into the graphical framework of Comet, which supports interactive development and debugging. FinSwHw supports cosimulation of Verilog with both behavioral C code, and application C code.

Behavioral C code allows hardware modules to be described in C and simulated much faster than RTL Verilog descriptions. Behavioral C code may be used to construct test benches and other coverification capabilities. FinSwHw-C, and FinSwHw-CT automatically transform C code into PLI code and are able to cosimulate the resulting PLI with other Verilog descriptions.

Application C code is software that is executed by a processor modeled within the hardware description. The application code may be targeted to run on various processor models. Detailed timing from the execution of the application C code, which simulates at 100 million instructions per second, is used by FinSwHw-CT to maintain hardware-software timing consistency.

For the first time systems comprising complex hardware which includes many processors executing billions of software instructions may be simulated in minutes while maintaining detailed timing in hardware, software, and the interface between hardware and software.

The Verilog and C code may be constructed separately. The tools integrate both descriptions automatically freeing hardware and software engineers from the requirement of being experts in both fields.

Comet supports the concurrent development of Verilog and C code systems descriptions, C code compilation using GCC, incremental compilation, and interactive hardware and software debugging. FinSwHw is coupled with industry standard waveform viewers such as SignalScan from Design Acceleration Inc. and Undertow from Veritools Inc.

Dr. Graham Hellestrand,  President of VaST, said "The opportunity to partner with Fintronic, a leader in Verilog simulation, to produce a world class cosimulation tool set is very exciting. The integrated toolset for the first time offer a real solution to systems designers confronted with building the ever increasingly complex designs involving hardware, operating systems and application code targeted at a variety of processors.".

Dr. Alec Stanculescu, President of Fintronic USA, said "This offering will provide tremendous value to Fintronic's customers. It maintains Fintronic's leadership position in simulation by offering our customers this break through cosimulation capability.".

Pricing and availability:

Prices for the FinSwHw and Comet family of products range from $14,000 to $90,000 depending on operating system, features and licensing and are sold by both companies. More information is available from the companies and their respective web sites.


FinSwHw-C, FinSwHw-CT, and Comet will be demonstrated in Booth 306 at The IVC/VIUF Conference held at the Santa Clara Convention Center between March 17 and 19. 1998. Private demonstrations may be arranged by appointment.


Fintronic USA
Dr. Alec Stanculescu
Tel: 650-349-0108 x105
Fax: 650-349-1150
Email: alec@fintronic.com
URL: www.fintronic.com

VaST Corp
Dr. Graham Hellestrand
Tel: 415-647-6202
Fax: 415-643-0514
Email: g.hellestrand@vastsystems.com
URL: www.vastsystems.com

Note to editors:

1) Comet is a trademark of VaST Systems Technology Corp.
2) Super FinSim, FinSwHw, FinSwHw-C, FinSwHw-CT are trademarksof
Fintronic USA.
3) Verilog is a registered trademark of IEEE.


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