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Fintronic USA announces the availibility of FinSim for the Power PC platform running Windows NT

Menlo Park, CA (Aug 30, 1996)Fintronic USA, Inc. announces that starting today FinSim and FinSim-ECS, its high performance simulation tools, are running on the PowerPC platform under the Windows NT operating system. FinSim is a high speed, fully compliant Verilog simulator and FinSim-ECS is a full Verilog simulator with support for Enhanced Cycle Simulation (ECS), a ground breaking technology introduced by Fintronic earlier this year. FinSim and FinSim-ECS feature a mixed compiled and interpreted architecture and support the entire Verilog language as well as SDF and PLI. Both tools are integrated with the debugging and analysis utilities from Design Acceleration, and Veritools to form complete design environments for digital circuits. For more information about Fintronic's products, their features and prices, please send us email at info@fintronic.com, call us at (650) 349-0108 or visit our home page http://www.fintronic.com.


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