1. License related questions
1.1 What types of license does Super-FinSim use?
For SunOS, Solaris, and Linux Super-FinSim uses FlexLM from Globetrotter
Inc. as the licensing mechanism.
Starting with version 4_5_40 we are using FlexLM 6.1. Previous
versions were using FlexLM 4.1. On all platforms that use FlexLM, both
floating and nodelocked licenses are available.
For PC-Windows 95/98/NT, Super-FinSim versions prior to 4_7_00 use our proprietary licensing mechanism and only nodelocked licenses are available.
All versions after 4_7_00 use FlexLM 6.1 and both floating and nodelocked licenses are available.
1.2 What types of hostids do Super-FinSim licenses support?
On the platforms on which Super-FinSim uses FlexLM as the licensing
mechanism, we support the same hostids as FlexLM. On Linux and
Windows, in
addition to the Ethernet address, we support a hardware key based
hostid. The hardware key is supplied by Fintronic.
On PC-Windows 95/98/NT we support a hardware key based hostid. The hardware
key is supplied by Fintronic.
1.3 Linux specific licensing issues
1.3.1 How do I get the address of my Ethernet card?
On Linux the address of the Ethernet card can be obtained with the command:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0
On Windows NT the address of the Ethernet card can be obtained with the command ipconfig/all. The address of the Ethernet card is listed by Windows as Physical Address.
To weed out unnecessary information, you may want to use the following command:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 | grep eth0 | awk '{print $NF}' | awk -F : '{for (i=1; i<=NF;
i++) printf("%s", $i); printf("\n")}'
1.3.2 What do I do with the hardware key?
The hardware key you received from Fintronic goes into one of your serial ports. The
hardware key requires a 25-pin serial port. In case
you only have a 9-pin port available, you will need an adapter which can be either
purchased directly or requested from Fintronic.
The installation script will attempt to create a symbolic link from /dev/finsim to the
port you want to use for the hardware key. For
example if you want to use COM1 for the hardware key, you will need a link from /dev/cua0
to /dev/finsim. The installation script will then
query the hardware key using a program rbuxid which is part of the Super-FinSim
1.3.3 The installation script hangs while setting up the license.
What's wrong?
Most likely, the hardware key is not in the COM port pointed to by /dev/finsim. Make
sure that the hardware key is properly plugged in
the correct serial port. To check if you are using the correct port, use the following
If the link is: then the serial port should be:
/dev/finsim -> /dev/cua0 COM1
/dev/finsim -> /dev/cua1 COM2
/dev/finsim -> /dev/cua2 COM3
/dev/finsim -> /dev/cua3 COM4
Also, please make sure that the serial device has read/write permission for the desired
user, for example the following case will allow all users to access the hardware key in
%ls -l /dev/cua1
crw-rw-rw- 1 root
uucp 5, 65 Feb 11 12:45 /dev/cua1
1.3.4 How do I know if my hardware key works properly?
The Linux Super-FinSim distribution comes with a program called rbuxid, which should be
installed in $FINTRONIC/bin/gcc and which
queries the dongle and obtains the dongle id. If the id is returned correctly, the
hardware key works properly. If the program hangs or returns a number different from the
one written on your hardware key, it does not work properly. A proper functioning example
would be:
The hostid of this machine is 0000af5a
where AF5A is the number written on the dongle.
1.4 Windows specific licensing issues.
Downloading from the WEB site results in a file finsim.exe. When executed, finsim.exe installs the simulator in the directory C:\finsim.
The directory c:\finsim\bin\cl contains many useful executables. After a normal installation C:\finsim should always be in the environment variable $path.
The environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE must point to the file where the license file (license.dat) received from Fintronic was placed. Make sure that hte server name is correctly edited in license.dat, as it may come as unknown in the license sent by Fintronic in case it was not provided to Fintronic.
To find the value of LM_LICENSE_FILE go to control panel->system->advanced->environment variables
Make sure that the daemons Fintron and Lmgrd are running, by using the -lic_verbose option to finvc and/or by running c:\finsim\bin\cl\lmtools.exe.
If they are not running, run c:\finsim\bin\cl\lmgrd.exe.
To set all necessary environment variable use finenv.bat as shown below:
@echo off
echo Setting up FinSim environments...
set FINTRONIC=c:\finsim
set FIN_CC=fin\cl\winnt
set LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\license.dat
set FINTEMPDIR=fintemp
set path=%FINTRONIC%\bin\%FIN_CC%;%path%
set include=%FIN_INCLUDE_PATH%;%include%
set lib=%FIN_LIBRARY_PATH%;%lib%
1.5 FlexLM licenses issues.
1.5.1 How do I find out if FlexLM is running
You can either check the lmgrd's log file which was specified with
the -l option when lmgrd was started, or use one of the utilities
together with lmgrd, lmstat and lmdiag.
1.5.2 lmgrd complains about inconsistent
encryption codes. What does it mean?
There could be various reasons for this. First, make sure that the license codes in
your license $LM_LICENSE_FILE match the ones received from Fintronic. You can change the
SERVER name, TCP port number, path to the VENDOR daemon but not much else. Make sure there
are no un-escaped <CR> in the middle of a license line.
Second, make sure you are running the correct version of lmgrd. All versions of
Super-FinSim after 4_5_40 require lmgrd6.1. Check the
lmgrd's log file for more information.
1.5.3 lmgrd says it cannot start the vendor daemon fintron. What's
FlexLM 6.1 looks for the vendor daemon in the current directory, the $PATH list, or in
the directory where lmgrd is located, if no path is specified on the VENDOR line. If
fintron is not in any of the above places, please specify its path on the VENDOR line:
VENDOR fintron /user/admin/license/daemons
Make sure that fintron has execute permission for the user who started lmgrd.
1.5.4 Can I specify a different license file than the one in
Yes, you can do that with the option -lic <license file>. finvc, finbuild and the
simulator all accept this option.
1.5.5 If I have a license for say, Super-FinSim 50K and one for
the unlimited version how can I force the simulator to use the 50K one and not the first
one available?
Specify the option -lic_type <100K|50K|25K|2K>. finvc, finbuild and the simulator
all accept this option.
1.5.6 How do I find out more about FlexLM?
The FlexLM User Manual is available online at http://www.globetrotter.com/manual.htm
and a FAQ for FlexLM is available online at http://www.globetrotter.com/lmfaq.htm.
1.6 The Super-FinSim compiler finvc or the simulator do not run
because of license issues. How do I find out what's wrong?
Add the option -lic_verbose to finvc or -verbose to the simulator. This should give you
more information about what's going on. Here are a few things to check:
If you are using a FlexLM license, make sure lmgrd is up and running (see 1.5.1). Make
sure that the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE points to the license file in which you
saved the codes received from Fintronic.
If you are using Fintronic's proprietary licensing scheme, please make sure the
environment variable FIN_LICENSE_PATH points to the directory in which you have the file
fintronc.key in which you saved the codes received from Fintronic.
1.7 How much does it cost to switch my license from one machine to
You can switch your license from one machine to another as long as you are under
maintenance at no extra cost. You will need to fax or mail a signed statement saying that
the old license will not be used any longer.
1.8 If I get a floating license can I run simulations on any
platform supported by Super-FinSim?
If you purchase a floating license for any UNIX platform supported by Super-FinSim
except Linux, you can use it to run simulations on
any other platforms including Linux. If you purchase a floating license for Linux, you can
only run simulations on Linux machines.
1.9 RLM license issues
In order to use RLM based licenses you need to have the daemon rlm running on the license server and have the environment variable RLM_LICENSE pointing to the exact location where the licenses file received from fintronic is. Also in the same directory there should be the daemon fintronic.
The daemons rlm and fintronic can be downloaded from Fintronic's ftp site after you receive instructions by e-mail from Fintronic (support@fintronic.com).
For more information on RLM please visit
2. Displaying waveforms and debugging with Super-FinSim
2.1 What waveform displays and source level debuggers does
Super-FinSim support?
Super-FinSim does not provide its own waveform display and source level debugger
instead, it is integrated with Debussy from Novas, Undertow from Veritools. Any other waveform/source level debugger that
relies on standard PLI as the interface with the simulator will work with Super-FinSim.
nWave from Novas which part of the Debussy and Verdi suites is sold as
a bundled product with Super-FinSim at a very attractive price. It is
also tightly integrated to FinSim with an API interface for better
2.2 Does Debussy provide source level debugging?
Yes, it does on Solaris, Linux, and Windows.
2.3 Does Undertow provide source level debugging?
Yes, Undertow supports source level debugging.
2.4 Is there any difference between the nWave version offered
by Novas Software and fin-nWave which sold by Fintronic?
The OEM nWave version called fin-nWave can only display
.fsdb files generated by Super-FinSim.
2.5 Does Undertow run on Linux?
Yes it does.
You will need to do two things:
- invoke finbuild.exe with the +/Zi option
- add the following line to finpli.mak:
3. General questions.
3.1 What is the difference between the different simulators you are
Super-FinSim is the top of the line simulator. It comes in 3 other flavors which are
different just in the number of components they can
simulate. A component is an instance of a module, a gate, an always or initial block, a
continuous assign, etc. The component limitations are
100K, 50K and 25K.
Super-FinSim 2K in addition to a 2K component limitation does not support compiled
simulation, PLI and SDF.
FinSim-Developer supports an unlimited number of components but does not support
compiled simulation and the ECS (Enhanced Cycle
Simulation) kernel.
3.2 How do I find out how many components my design has?
Specify the option -verbose to the simulator and you should see a line similar to:
Total component count : 103
3.3 Can I upgrade from a lower version of Super-FinSim to a higher
Yes, you can upgrade by just paying the difference in the respective list prices.
3.4 I have an evaluation copy of Super-FinSim. How can I find out
how FinSim-Developer will run?
For evaluation, we provide the top of the line simulator. In order to get the behavior
of FinSim-Developer, just add the options
"+fin_no_ecs" and "-dsm int" to finvc.
3.5 Where do I get the documentation for Super-FinSim?
The documentation for Super-FinSim can be downloaded from our Web site either in
PostScript format or in the Adobe PDF format for which a free reader is available.
3.6 Where do I get the documentation for FinCov?
The User Guide for Super-FinSim contains a chapter dedicated to FinCov.
3.7 How do I use "Save and restart" feature?
Super FinSim can save the state of the simulator and restart thesimulator
later on. Both save and restart operations are performed atvery high speed
(e.g. 5-6 seconds for saving and 2-3 seconds forrestarting simulation images
of 256MB). This feature can be used both to recover after a hardware
failure, or to bring the simulation in a certain state, save it and then
restart it on many machines simultaneously in order to perform various tests
with different stimuli starting from the desired state. This way one does
not need to repeat the part where the simulation is brought in the desired
state. As an example, one may wish to save the state after the boot cycle is
completed and then restart it in order to perform the various tests.
Saving a simulation.
FinSim allows the user to save the state of a simulation in one of two ways.
For both cases the user first edits a command file with all the command line options for the simulator and runs the simulation using "-cf <file>"
a. Using the $save("suffix") system task.
The user inserts in the Verilog design at the desired time(s) calls to the
system task $save. The simulation is saved in the file(s) finstate..
b. Using the interactive command save
In the interactive mode the user issues the command save . The
simulation is saved in the file(s) finstate.. To get to the
interactive mode, one can either start the simulation in the interactive
mode from the beginning with the "-i" option (specified in the
command file), or can insert a $stop in the
Verilog source code or can type a CTRL-C while a batch simulation is
The following notes apply to saved simulations regardless of how they were
saved except where noted.
The simulation state is always saved at the end of the current simulation
time. If the design has PLI all misctf routines are invoked with reason
'reason_save'. All of the user's PLI data structures in memory are saved and
restored automatically by FinSim however, the user is responsible for saving
the state of any file/socket opened using PLI when the misctf routine is
called with reason 'reason_save'.
In the interactive mode, if the <suffix> is omitted, the state will be saved
in finstate.sav. The system task $save requires a string as its only
Restarting a saved simulation.
To restart a saved simulation, the user has to set the environment variable
FIN_RESTART_ARGS to "+fin_restart+ -cf <file>" and call TOP.sim:
# setenv FIN_RESTART_ARGS "+fin_restart+ -cf <file>"
# TOP.sim
<suffix> is the suffix of the saved simulation and <file> containsall
command line options for TOP.sim. FinSim allows the user to provide extra
plus arguments when the simulation is restarted. This is useful for instance
when the design is written such that it generates/applies different test
vectors based on one or more plusargs provided at runtime. The user can save
the state of the simulation when the initialization sequence is complete and
restart the same saved simulation multiple times each with different plus
arguments causing the test bench to generate/apply different testvectors for
each run. Please note that in order for plus arguments to be evaluated at
runtime, the design must be compiled with the option
+no_plusargs_substitution to finvc. All plus arguments should be specified
in <file>. All other arguments specified when the simulation is restarted
will be ignored since the ones in the original run have already been
evaluated and are therefore part of the saved image.
If the design has PLI all misctf routines are invoked with reason
'reason_restart'. All of the user's PLI data structures in memory are
restored automatically by finsim, however the user is responsible for
restoring the state of any file/socket opened using PLI in the initial run
when his misctf routine is called with reason 'reason_restart'.
IMPORTANT: Please note that in order to run a new simulation, one has to
unsetenv FIN_RESTART_ARGS to avoid restarting a saved one.
3.8 How do I call my own C tasks and
functions without using PLI?
Super-FinSim allows the user to call functions written
in the C language directly from within the Verilog code. The user only has
to provide one or more C header files with the prototypes of the C functions.
The arguments of these C functions can be characters (8 bits), short integers
(16 bits) integers (32 bits), long long integers (64
bits) and pointers to them. Super-FinSim assumes that all pointers in the
interface correspond to outputs that are going to be written
inside the C functions. All other arguments are assumed to be inputs tothe
C functions. The semantics for calling C user functions and tasks are similar
to the semantics for calling Verilog or PLI functions andtasks.
The header files providing the prototypes of the C functions are passedto
finvc with the -ch <name of header file> option. This option can be
specified any number of times if more than one header file is required.
Note that the header files must be self sufficient (as all
well written header files ought to be), i.e. if a header file uses things
defined in another header file then the 2nd header file should
be included in the 1st header file. If any of the header files is in a different
directory, the user can specify the include directory by
using the +incdir option the same way as for verilog header files.
The object files containing the user C functions can be specified
either in the file finpli.mak in the variable FINUSERCOBJ:
FINUSERCOBJ = example.o
or via the environment variable with the same name:
setenv FINUSERCOBJ example.o
More than one object files can be specified. If used, the file finpli.mak
has to be in the local directory where finbuild is called.
If the specified object file does not exist, finbuild will attempt to compile
it using a default compilation rule that calls the C compiler
on the corresponding .c file.
3.9 How do I use "Separate Compilation" feature?
1. Super-FinSim provides the facility of separately
compiling parts of the Verilog hierarchy. This pre-compiled hierarchy
can then be mixed with other Verilog sources to build a new
design. This facility is extremely helpful for users who want to ship
their IP to their customers but do not want them to access the Verilog
source. Not only will the access to the source be denied using the regular
`protect/`endprotect mechanism but the IP provider will only have to
ship binary files which would make it virtually impossible to
re-create the original Verilog code. Another useful application of
separate compiled code is for users who add legacy code to their
designs which has been tested and will not need to be modified, thus
saving compilation time.
This technology for separately compiling Verilog descriptions has been
donated by Fintronic USA to the IEEE for standardization within the
Verilog 1364 IEEE standard. The standardization that is envisioned
based on this donation consists of: (1) option to the compiler to
specify which verilog code shall be separately compiled (section 2),
(2) option to the compiler to specify which separately compiled code
to use in a simulation (section 3), (3) what restrictions shall be
placed on a separately compiled code (section 4.1), and (4) what
restriction shall be placed on a code that uses the separately
compiled code (section 4.2).
This document also contains information regarding the implementation
by Fintronic USA, Inc. of the separate compilation of Verilog
2. Compiling a Verilog Design Hierarchy into object code for later
2.1 A Verilog description can be separately compiled for later reuse by
invoking the compiler, called finvc with the special option +sepgen,
followed by an invocation of finbuild, as follows:
cmd>finvc +sepgen+
where cmd> is the prompt of the command line, and is a name
given by the user to this design. One of the uses
of is to make any symbols in the separately compiled design
not clash with similar symbols in the final design (which instantiates
the separately compiled design). After running these two steps, the
temporary directory (fintemp by default) will contain the compiled `C'
files, the interpretation data files, the elaboration data files as
well as all other files needed for simulating this hierarchy. In
addition it will contain a Verilog interface file called
interface.v. This file contains the shell for the exported modules in
the separately compiled design. Any of these modules can be
instantiated in the final design.
2.3 Other options.
finvc also assumes that everything in the separately compiled design
except the interface for the top level module is protected. This
assumption can be relaxed with the option (+fin_sep_unprotect).
3. Using a separately compiled Verilog design hierarchy
In order to use a separately compiled Verilog design hierarchy as part
of a new Verilog design hierarchy one must invoke finvc with the
special option +sepuse, followed by finbuild and the invocation of the
executable simulator, as follows:
# finvc +sepuse+
# finbuild
# TOP.sim
The directory name is the directory where all the files were generated
in the compilation step. More than one such +sepuse options can be
specified. In this case finvc treats the file interface.v in the
separately compiled directory as a library file, so that any module
that is used in the final design and cannot be found is searched in
this file.
3. Restrictions on using separately compiled code
3.1. Restrictions on the code instantiating a separately compiled
A module in the separately compiled code can be instantiated
outside of the separately compiled design if and only if:
a) there are no external references anywhere in the the separately
compiled design (things like a.b.c).
b) none of its parameters or the parameters of the modules
instantiated in the hierarchy below it are overwritten with more than one value.
3.2. Restrictions on the code that is to be separately compiled
A design can instantiate modules from the separately compiled design
if and only if:
a) it does not overwrite the parameters of the separately compiled
b) it does not make external references into the separately compiled
c) its time precision is not finer than the time precision of the
separately compiled design.
4. Platform specific questions
4.1 Why are there so many different Linux distributions?
Different Linux distributions (such as RedHat 5.x) come with different versions of the standard C libraries which are not compatible at the library level. This means that if a library is built on one version it will not link properly on a machine using a different version. Therefore the need for multiple distributions.
4.1.1 How do I find out which Linux distribution I have?
The easieast way is to do an:
% ls -l /lib/libc.so.6
Check to which version of libc this link points to and that's the version you want.
4.1.2 I try to run finvc on my Linux machine but it says
"Command not found" although the path is correct and the
permissions are properly set. What is going on?
Most likely you have downloaded the wrong Linux distribution. Please see above.
4.2 Where do I plug in the hardware key?
For Windows, the hardware key goes into the parallel port or if you have a USB key, int the USB port.
For Linux, the hardware key goes into the serial port.
4.2.1 My Linux machine has only a 9-pin serial port available,
what do I do?
You need a 9-pin to 25-pin adapter. You can get it from Fintronic USA or any computer
4.2.2 Can I chain more than one hardware key or other devices?
Yes you can. Hardware keys from different vendors might cause some
conflicts but this has been very rare.
5. Integration with other products questions
5.1 How do I run Super-FinSim and Specman together?
This is a package for new users of Specman and Finsim. It includes
tips on how to integrate the two tools. It also includes an installation
test which can be run to make sure you have properly linked Specman with
* Directory structure:
This shareware contains the following directories:
e/ - all e sources
sim/ - Files necessary to run simulation installation test
* Tips:
This sample environment can be used to test the Specman/Finsim link.
It consists of one verilog file: xor.v (a simple verilog module with a memory that I want to access) and one e file: shr_finsim_install_top.e (here you can see that we are writing the uint 0 - 9 to each successive memory location and then we print each memory location. We also send in a bunch of xor ops and check the xor operation is correct.
After installing the finsim simulator and setting the proper environmental
variables as per the finsim documentation, you can run the example:
To test Finsim with Specman, do the following:
% cd sim
% run_finsim_specman.sh
% FIN> $sn
% Specman> @init
% Specman>
% FIN> run ~
(You should see the number 0 - 9 print down the screen.)
% FIN> quit
The test should print out the numbers 0 to 9 for the memory locations
that have been written in the verilog from Specman.
When you use finsim with specman on your verilog design, here are a few
Use the scripts "run_finsim_specman.sh" and "run_finsim_specman_gui.sh" as
templates for your own environment.
In order to have Finsim working with Specman, you need to replace the file
"misc.tcl" from your specman installation with the one in this directory.
Just do the following:
mv $SPECMAN_HOME/tcl/specman/misc.tcl $SPECMAN_HOME/tcl/specman/misc.tcl.old
cp ./misc.tcl $SPECMAN_HOME/tcl/specman
(Currently this is the misc.tcl from Specman 4.0.2. If you have a different
version of Specman, please contact Fintronic customer support. This will be corrected by Verisity R&D in the near future so this is taken care of automatically.)
Copy the file, finpli.mak, from the finsim installation and the veriuser.c
file from the Specman installation:
cp $FIN_INCLUDE_PATH/specmanpli.int.mak finpli.mak
cp $SPECMAN_HOME/src/veriuser.c .
Edit the first line of finpli.make to create the veriuser.o in the current
work directory. (See the file finpli.mak in this example.)
Edit the veriuser.c file for other pli apps as required.
5.2 How do I run Super-FinSim and Debussy together?
The FinSim family of simulators now support a direct, high performance interface to Debussy so there is no need to link in any PLI. Simply place your $fsdb<...> calls in the Verilog source code and run the simulation as you would normally do.
To run FinSim in interactive mode under the Debussy source level debugger, first replace the Debussy resource file debussy.rc your are currently using with this one finsim_debussy.rc.
Add the following options to finvc:
+srcdbg -interactive
and the following options to finbuild:
Run debussy, select FinSim as your simulator and follow Debussy's instructions on how to run a simulation in the interactive mode.
5.3 How do I run Super-FinSim and Undertow together?
To link in Undertow with Super-FinSim, you will need in the current directory the
files finpli.mak, vt_ptab, iv.v and also the object files
vtplifinsim.o and vt_finsimuser.o (from the Undertow distribution kit).
Note: make sure that the files referenced in finpli.mak do exist in the place specified.
The options
for finvc should include: -ptab vt_ptab +fullaccess +vtdbg iv.v
How to run Super-Finsim with Undertow in batch mode.
After you built the simulation (using finbuild) and start it (TOP.sim if you
didn't specify other name), you can run the Undertow waveform viewer in
real-time mode with 'ut -r -v vt.dump' and see the signal changes updated while
the simulation is running.
How to run Super-Finsim with Undertow in interactive mode.
After you build the simulation (using finbuild), to run the simulation in
interactive mode use 'ut -iv -finsim TOP.sim source_file -sigfile vt.dump',
where source_file is one of your Verilog source files included in the
simulation. From the Undertow interface, go to Simulation->Run to run the
simulation. If you want to see the signal changes in the waveform, after you
added the signals to the waveform, press Update, Zoom out or Zoom full buttons.
5.4 How do I run Super-FinSim and SystemC from
Accellera together?
i) Currently only SystemC version 2.1.3 is supported.
ii) The SystemC library is used in object format with the only modification being that some private objects have been changed to public objects.
The use of the SystemC object and source code is governed by the Accellera Open Source Agreement presented in
You must read it before using SystemC in
conjuncture with Super FinSim. The corresponding .h files are distributed along
with the Super FinSim distribution and are marked with the original
trademarks. Fintronic USA does not provide any warranty regarding the
SystemC simulator from Accellera.
Using Super-FinSim and SystemC together:
i) Use the (* foreign = SystemC *) attribute in the body of the
empty Verilog module specification corresponding to each SystemC
module used within the Verilog description. Use the exact same characters,
since capitalization matters.
Use foreign interface declarations in SystemC for each Verilog module instantiated within a SystemC module, as in the example presented here.
ii) Run finvc with the option -systemc followed by the name of the .cpp file
containing all the descriptions of the SystemC modules that are being
instantiated in Verilog, eg. finvc mixed.v -systemc mixed.cpp. Any number of -systemc options can be used in one invocation of finvc.
iii) Run finbuild with all the options available
iv) Run TOP.sim (or the name of the simulator if you specified another
name to finbuild), with all the options otherwise available for
running the simulator.
i) Run only in batch mode (no interactive support yet).
ii) When instantiating SystemC modules within Verilog or Verilog modules within SystemC make sure that the types of the formal ports match the types of the actual signals connected to the ports.
Use the exact size for the Verilog ports as for the SystemC ports
specified in the systemc file. The Verilog ports that are vectors
shall be declared in ascending order starting from 0. The
corresponding SystemC declarations shall contain the exact size.
iii) Port sizes shall be smaller than 80,000 bits.
iv) SystemC modules that are instantiated in Verilog shall only have
ports of types sc_logic, sc_signal_resolved, sc_bit, sc_bv, sc_lv_rv and sc_lv corresponding to Verilog
counterparts of scalars and vectors of wire and reg. Note that vectors
must have more than on bit, otherwise use scalars in the Verilog
description of the interface.
Only SystemC ports sc_in and sc_out are supported. For ports that are sc_inout one must modify the the model as in the example provided here .
© Copyright 2002-2006, Fintronic USA, Inc. All
rights reserved.
5.5 How do I use variable precision fixed and floating point computation in Super-FinSim?
i) Please read chapter 8 of Super FinSim User's Guide, which is available in .htm as well as in .pdf format on this WEB site.
ii) Please look at the examples available in finsim/misc/demo_vp of the Super FinSim distribution.
i) Only Super FinSim in compile mode supports variable precision computation.
ii) The commercially available FinSim has a limitation of 127 bits of precision for trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions and of 82 bits for exponential and logarithmic functions. Customized versions may support enhanced precision.
iii) VP registers are limited to 80,000 bits.
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