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Symbolic evaluation, differentiation, integration and Laplace Transform in Verilog

This example works on FinSim 10_05_28 and subsequent versions.

This example shows symbolic expression evaluation, differentiation, integration, and Laplace Transform.

module top;
`include "finsimmath.h"
   VpReg [0:200]r;
   VpReg [0:200]val_vp;
   VpDescriptor d1;
   real val;
   reg [0:30000] symbExpr1;
   reg [0:30000] symbExpr2;
   real x;

initial begin
   $VpSetDescriptorInfo(d1, 5, 7, `FLOATING,
                        `SATURATION+`WARNING, 1);
   $VpSetDefaultOptions(5, 7, `FLOATING,
                        `SATURATION+`WARNING, 1);

   $VpAssocDescrToData(r, d1);
   $VpAssocDescrToData(val_vp, d1);

   r = $Pi/6;
   x = $Pi/6;

   symbExpr1 = "$VpSin(r*x)";
   $Eval(symbExpr1, val);
   $display("$Eval(%0s) = %e, for x = %e, r = %y\n", symbExpr1, val, x, r);

   symbExpr2 = $Dif(3, symbExpr1, "x");
   $Eval(symbExpr2, val_vp);
   $display("*** SDif(SDif(SDif(%0s))) is %0s and its value for x = %e is %y\n", 
            symbExpr1, symbExpr2, x, val_vp);

   symbExpr2 = $Int(1, symbExpr1, "x");
   $Eval(symbExpr2, val_vp);
   $display("$SInt(%0s) = %0s and its value for x = %e is = %y\n", 
            symbExpr1, symbExpr2, x, val_vp);

   symbExpr2 = $Lap(1, symbExpr1, "x");
   $display("$LaplaceT(%0s) = %0s\n", symbExpr1, symbExpr2);

   symbExpr1 = "x**4 * $VpSin(x)";
   symbExpr2 = $Lap(1,symbExpr1, "x");   
   $display("*** Lap(%0s) is %0s \n", symbExpr1, symbExpr2);
endmodule // top

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