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Finding eigen values and corresponding eigen vectors in Verilog

This example works on FinSim 10_05_92 and subsequent versions.

This example shows how to find the eigen values and eigen vectors of a matrix and how to test that indeed they are correct eigenvectors corresponding to given eigen values.

module top;
   parameter size = 3;
   real p[0:size];
   VpFCartesian eval[0:size-1], evct[0:size-1][0:size-1];
   VpFCartesian A[0:size-1][0:size-1], I[0:size-1][0:size-1], LI[0:size-1][0:size-1];
   integer i, j, k, r;
   VpFCartesian B[0:size-1][0:size-1];
   VpFCartesian P[0:size-1][0:0];
   real norm;
   view VpFCartesian evctk[0:size-1][0:0] as evct[$I1][k];
   VpFCartesian l;

   initial begin
    /* initialize matrix A */
    A[0][0].Re = 1;
    A[0][0].Im = 1;
    A[0][1].Re = -1;
    A[0][1].Im = -1;
    A[0][2].Re = 2;
    A[0][2].Im = 2;

    A[1][0].Re = 0;
    A[1][0].Im = 0;
    A[1][1].Re = 0;
    A[1][1].Im = 1;
    A[1][2].Re = 2;
    A[1][2].Im = 0;

    A[2][0].Re = 0;
    A[2][0].Im = 0;
    A[2][1].Re = -1;
    A[2][1].Im = 0;
    A[2][2].Re = 3;
    A[2][2].Im = 1;

    $PrintM(A, "%e");

   /* compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix A */
   eval = $Eig(A, evct);
   $PrintM(eval, "%e");
   $PrintM(evct, "%e");

   /* check correctness */
   $InitM(I, ($I1 == $I2) ? 1 : 0, 0);
   k = 0;
   i = 0;
   while (i < size) begin
//   get next distinct root
     if (i < (size-1)) begin
      while (($VpAbs(eval[i].Re-eval[i+1].Re) < 0.0000001) && 
             ($VpAbs(eval[i].Im-eval[i+1].Im) < 0.0000001)) begin
         i = i + 1;

     l = eval[i];
     $display("\n\nTesting root %d: Re=%e Im=%e\n", i, l.Re, l.Im);
     LI = l*I;
     B = A - LI;
     r = $Rank(B);
     $display("Rank(B) = %d\n", r);

//   check each eigenvalue against its corresponding eigenvectors
     $display("There are %d eigenvectors\n", size-r);
     for (j = 0; j < size-r; j++) begin
       P = B*evctk;
       norm = $VpNormAbsMax(P);
       if (norm > 0.0001) $display("ERROR: for evect %d norm is %e\n", k, norm);
       else  $display("OK: for evect %d norm is %e\n", k, norm);
       k = k + 1;
     i = i + 1;
   $display("Test completed\n");
endmodule // top

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